$ffa|2-Freaks Gas Bill... $efb $dfc $cfd $bfe $aff $afe $afd|1-How large companies waste money! $afc $afb $afa $fff by Freak of NFA $faa Prior to this actually happening I had only heard of this sort of thing through reading those dodgy newspapers with the big red titles, like "Sun", "Mirror" and "Star", even "New of the World", and I had always thought that they were a bit of a laugh, something to remind me of how stupid people can be abd how they'll follow procedures no matter how daft it makes them look in the long run. $fda Basically I got my gas bill the other week, as did several hundred thousand other people most probably, and I opened it with a feeling of dread because I was a little low on cash that week, you know how it goes, but it turned out that I needn't have worried, because the price I had to pay was... $afd |2-£0.09 $daf Yup, I couldn't believe it, 9 bloody pence, I mean WHY? Aladdin Sane/iNDi had a look at it and said "Are they so hard up that they've got to ask for 9p then?", who knows eh? $dfa Anyway I turned over and carefully read the payment options available to me... $ffa Post? - It'd cost me at least 20p for a stamp! Phone? - 10p (at least!) for the phone call! Bank Giro Credit? - The bank would charge for it! $aff Finally I decided to walk up to the Post Office and hand it over, I just happened to have 11p in my pocket at the time so THAT worked out okay. The woman on the counter smiled and said it was hardly worth the effort of walking up here, to which I replied "Can't help being thrifty, love", and I walked home again, it really made my day! $daf Even better, because I'd paid this heee-uge amount as soon as I had received it I automatically qualify for £2 off my next bill - something called "Optionpay Reduction", can you credit it? $fad Sheesh, I'm sure I could run British Gas a lot better, and I wouldn't need paying as much as Cedric Brown either! $fff =end=